Featured Site Friday: Diane Clancy’s Art

Diane Clancy’s Art

I met Diane online several months ago. I’m not even sure how, but I suspect it was while surfing for new artist websites and following link to link. However it happened, it has developed into one of those cool friendships that make you pause and think how wonderful this internet thing is.

What first caught my eye were the amazing colors. Color is one of my favorite aspects of any art and Diane’s use of color is incredible. One of my favorites is her pastel “The Hideaway”, but the one that really caught my eye and captivated me was her home page image, “Conundrum I”, one of her Goddess series.

(Side note: I have always been captivated by images of the Goddess. When I first saw an ancient sculpture of the Goddess, it moved something inside of me. When I was studying for my master’s in Earth Literacy, I really learned what the Goddess was about, the violent transition into