5th Apr, 2007

Guiding a Birding Trip

Today I helped my friend Mary Scott guide a birding trip for four women from Los Angeles. It was wonderful. The women were knowledgeable and delightful and we saw a lot of cool birds. Mary picked me up this morning around 6:15 and we drove the 1.5 hours to Patagonia to pick them up. Our stops for the day included the Patagonia-Sonoita Nature Preserve, the Patagonia roadside rest, Patagonia Lake State Park, Madera Canyon, Box Canyon, and finally Patton’s back yard for the hummingbird feast. Our highlights were incredible looks at Gray Hawks, displaying Vermillion Flycatchers, lots of water birds at Patagonia Lake, beautiful scenery during the whole trip, great conversation, and an incredible picnic lunch that Mary prepared the night before AFTER a 3-hour band practice! We ended the day with a glass of wine and cheese back at the Spirit Tree Inn just outside of Patagonia. And I was even home before 8:00pm. (Uff da, that was a long day!) Total tally for the day was 72 species of birds.

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