31st Jul, 2007

Deliver the Message - Step 5

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Fifth, offer them more information, but in such a way as to make them ask for it. This is the pink spoon (think Baskin Robbins’ free sample) and it is at this stage that you want to capture their contact information. Have a free report or audio or video clip or recorded message for them to listen to or even a CD or DVD that you mail to them.

There are two schools of thought at this fifth stage. One is where you present the solution in generic terms and then follow up with a more direct sales pitch. The other is to provide the information and direct sales pitch at the same time. Personally, I feel the second approach makes more sense. By the time they have gone to your website and sent for more information, they are well aware that there is going to be a sales pitch of some sort. At this point, they want it. They want to know what you have to offer so they can decide if it makes sense for them. Don’t be coy and make them wait to hear about it, give it to them when they want it.

Read the book!

Chris O’Byrne

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